
Can Oral Health Issues Be Genetic?
Have you ever wondered how much of your oral health issues are because of what you do (or don’t do) and how much are completely out of your control? Read our blog post for a look at some common dental issues that can be affected by genetics.
Does Pregnancy Affect Getting Dental Surgery?
Your oral health affects the rest of your body. This is especially true with our pregnant patients. Many expecting moms ask about pregnancy and dental work. Read our blog post to learn more about pregnancy and dental work. Contact us with any additional questions.
Why Is Sugar Bad for Teeth?
Our team wants to educate you on why sugar is bad for your teeth and how you can protect yourself from cavities and other issues. Read our blog post for details!
Root Canal Therapy FAQs
Read our blog post to learn about what root canal therapy is and what to expect during and after treatment. We are here to provide you with high quality dental care that you can afford! Contact us to schedule an appointment at our office to make sure your teeth are healthy and strong.
Is Chewing Gum Good for My Teeth?
Chewing sugarless gum can be a great boredom buster, breath freshener, and tooth-friendly treat. Read our blog post to learn about the other oral health benefits of sugar-free gum. Contact our dental practice with more questions about choosing mouth-healthy products that are safe for your teeth!